Monday, March 3, 2008

About my life

My name is Mohamed. I like everybody is talking very nice. I have many friends. I help everybody. Every time I sit with my friends and talk about school from North Atlantic. I have three very nice teachers. They help me every time. After school is finished I go to my house. I have a big family. I sit with my children. I talk to them about today and school and girls and boys and my wife sit and listen to me and ask me what I did. I tell them anything from training, and reading. My daughter is small. She is 4 years old. She jokes with me and tells me I am crazy. She loves me very much and many times asks me why I go to school and not my job? I tell her after school training is finished I will return to my job.

I have two boats. On Fridays I go with my friends to an island and sit and drink tea and Pepsi and look at everybody swimming. There are very nice man and boy swimming. Other families are there. They sit on the island 4 or 5 hours and after that they return at 10:30 to Doha and everybody is happy in their house.

On Saturday again I go with my family to the island, eat lunch, and my wife and daughter swim in the beautiful water. My boys go to the jetty (dock) and then we all go to our house. We talk about our nice day and then everyone is happy. They go to sleep and go to their job.